Dr. John Hole Waterwheel House

Date: early 1800's
Features: Close to the long ago milling activity along Holes' Creek is a waterwheel housing of highly fossilized limestone. By the time a housing development was built in the 1960s, there was not enough spring water to run the wheel. But a narrow building with a sloping roofline, a long narrow doorway on the east side, and an extension of the roof beyond the south side of the building still remains. An opening on the south side may have housed the water wheel. A segment of a stone wall remains on the south side.
Owners: The land where the waterwheel housing is located was part of Dr. John Hole's 1440 acres in Washington Township. One of Dr. Hole's mills was located close-by. Dr. Hole served in the Revolutionary War as the surgeon's mate in the Fifth Pennsylvania battalion commanded by Col. Robert McGraw. He was present at the battles of Bunker Hill, Quebec, and Montmorency. He was in attendance when General Richard Montgomery died of wounds at the battle at Quebec. He was the first physician in Cincinnati as well as the Dayton area.